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You can also find it on our web page on the Databases tab.
  • Contains articles and essays on social and cultural anthropology, Old and New World archaeology, physical anthropology and anthropological aspects of related subjects emphasizing Mesoamerican, Native American and Andean archaeology and ethnology.

  • Offers access to more than 570,000 citations that cover articles published from the early 19th century to the present in more than 50 languages.

  • Produced by Harvard University's Tozzer Library.

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Search Terms


Anthropological Literature uses the subject terminology from the Library of Congress, with the addition of some specialist terms created by Harvard:
You can also find the correct terminology to use by browsing the subject index for phrases:

Click on "Indexes" in the blue bar at the top of the page.

Then choose "Subject Terms" from the drop down menu, search for a term, and the alphabetical list of terms will appear below.

Finding Results

Click on a title in the results list to see the full details. Here is how you can tell what kind of source it is and how to get the full text:

If you see an ISSN number, it is a journal article. Click on the "Find it @ WIU Libraries" button to see if we have access:
If you see an ISBN number, it is a book or book chapter. Look up the title of the book in our library catalog, WestCat.

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