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Chemistry: Writing & Citing

This guide contains links to resources for Western Illinois University students, faculty and staff looking for Chemistry information. It contains links to library and other resources related to all aspects of the Chemistry.

Writing & Citing in Chemistry

Writing scientific reports and papers differs from writing papers for general English classes. The books and resources below might be useful when writing papers in Chemistry.

Coghill, Anne M. and Garson, Lorrin R., Eds. The ACS Style Guide: Effective Communication of Scientific Information; American Chemical Society: Washington, D.C., 2006. Malpass Library Reference  QD8.5 .A25 2006

E-Books on Chemical Information

Citation Management

Students, faculty and staff at WIU have several options for citation management. EndNote Basic is a cloud-based system that is available through Science Citation Index. Zotero is an add-on for Firefox that can be used to collect and manage references and create citations. Guides to using both systems are linked below. Another resource, Mendeley, is also available, but the Libraries have not yet developed a guide for its use.

Books on Scientific Writing