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Doing Literature Reviews: Research and the Lit Review

A guide for doing literature reviews using the example of Recreation, Parks, and Tourism Administration

The Literature Review

What it is: The literature review is reflection of materials on a topic, anything from a set of government bulletins on the benefits of cardio workouts to a group of scholarly studies on the effects of relaxation on stress related illness,

What its not: A literature is not you giving 5 stars to a book you like, or thumbs down to the 50 page article you struggled to stay awake through last night.

What it is: The basic idea is to sum up and fuse together the ideas, perspectives, and conclusions of others. 

What its not: The literature review has a focus, but it doesn't take a position, pose an argument, or try to persuade others.

Why Research?

Recreation, Parks, and Tourism Administration is a field filled with fun.  Research in the field contributes to a better experience for customers and clients, and helps RPTS businesses excel.

But research in the field contributes in a number of other ways to promote movement science, healthy lifestyle choices, personal health, psychological well being, and environmental issues.