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In many databases, you will see links to the complete article, such as PDF Fulltext, Linked Fulltext, or HTML Fulltext. If not, try clicking on the Find it! button or "Find It! @ WIU Libraries" text to see whether we have access to the article through another source. Ideally, at least one option will be a link to another online source, like this one:
If we do NOT have immediate access at WIU, there will be an option to request it (digitally) from another library:
Occasionally it will look like we might have the journal in print. CHECK the DATE of the citation against what we have. In the example below, we did subscribe to the journal, but not at the time of the citation in question. If we don't have an online option, you can still request the article.
If all else fails, Ask a Librarian for help! Also look for this link at the bottom of the record. Please report the issue so we can try to fix it. |