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Physics: Using EndNote Basic

Department Research Guides identify and define information resources for a specific department. Each guide was created and is maintained by the library liaison for that department. We encourage you to recommend resources for the guides.

Organizing References

EndNote Basic can be used to organize and manage references. Plug-ins are available for Firefox and Internet Explorer and Microsoft Word so that users add citations to papers as they are writing. Information on using EndNote is provided below. A PDF document on using EndNote is also available.

Accessing EndNote and Signing Up for an Account

To access EndNote, users must first set up a UserID and Password through Science Citation Index while on campus at Western Illinois University.

1. Link to Science Citation Index (see link below) either directly or through the WIU Libraries’ Databases page (click on S and then Science Citation Index Expanded).

2. When Science Citation Index opens, click on the Products EndNote link at the very top of the Science Citation Index / Web of Science window.

The Sign In window will open. If you have not yet registered, click on the word Register at the bottom of the sign-in window.

3. Users must register with your WIU e-mail address, not one from an outside provider. Once you have entered your WIU e-mail address, the Registration window will appear. You will be asked to enter:

  • Your First & Last Name.
  • Password - Create a password based on  requirements.
  • Go to your Email, and find the confirmation email and click it.
  • Login to EndNote
  • Use the Getting Started links to learn the basic things you can do to find and import references.

Adding Data to EndNote Manually

1. From the Getting Started page (see below), click on Collect and select New Reference. The New Reference page will appear. It is also possible to choose Create a Reference Manually from the Getting Started page.

2. The New Reference page is designed for a when you can't send the citation from the database automatically. It contains many of the common fields included in a reference, such as author, title, year (date), place of publication, publisher, as well as fields for volume, number and page numbers; other, less used, fields are included at the bottom of the page.

3. To enter information about a reference, choose the type of reference using the Reference Type pull-down menu. Then enter information about the reference in the appropriate fields  (information can also be cut and pasted into a reference). As information is entered into a reference, a save button appears. After entering all of the information into the reference, click the Save button.

4. To add another reference, click on the word Collect and then select New Reference at the top of the page.

Sample Reference to be Added

Add the following reference by either inputting everything by hand or cutting and pasting the information into a manual record in EndNote:

Daniel E. Holz and Saul Perlmutter. The Most Massive Objects in the Universe. Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 755, Issue 2, L36, 4 pp. (2012). DOI:

Adding Data from Science Citation Index and Biological Abstracts

1. Link to Science Citation Index from the WIU Libraries database list or a Library Guide. Click on the words Sign In  and then Sign In on the pull-down menu that appears in the upper  right corner of the page.

2. Choose the database to search (Like Web of Science Core Collection or Biological Abstracts or MEDLINE) next to the words Select a Database.

3. Search for information on a topic. Mark the items to be added to your EndNote Library.

4. After marking the records of interest, add them to the Marked List by clicking on the Add to Marked List button at the top or bottom of the search results. After marking all pertinent records and adding them to the Marked List, click on the words Marked List in the upper right hand part of the header. Review the items on the marked list. Then select the fields to be included in the records that will be downloaded to your EndNote Library.

5. Click on EXPORT>EndNote online. The system will download the selected items into your EndNote Library.

Organizing References

Unless the user develops groups for their references and specifies a group for a set of references when they are added, EndNote puts all references into a generic, Unfiled, category. At some point, every researcher reaches the point of having too many references in a single file. This can be remedied by creating groups for your references, a process that is similar to putting documents in folders on a computer or in a file folder in a file cabinet.

1. Click on Organize and choose Manage My Groups. Initially, the system will show that no groups have been created. Click on the New Group button.

2. A box will open stating Enter a New Group Name and click “OK.” Enter the name of the group to be created and click OK.

3. Once the group(s) have been created, select My References. Note that the groups that were created are now listed under My Groups. To move references into a group, click in the check box next to a reference to identify the references to be moved into a group. Use the pull-down menu containing the words Add to group . . . to specify the group in which the references should be placed. The system will move the references to the selected Group.

It is still possible to see all references in your EndNote Library by clicking on All My References in the My References window of the EndNote website.

Note: To hide the Getting Started Guide and view all of your references, click on All My References. If the Getting Started Guide is not replaced with the list of references, click on Hide Getting Started Guide in the upper right hand corner of the Getting Started Guide.

Eliminating Duplicate References

Sometimes the same reference is found when using different databases. Duplicate records can be identified by clicking on Organize and then choosing Find Duplicates.

1. Click on Organize and then select Find Duplicates. EndNote will display a list of possible duplicate records.

2. Select the duplicate record(s) to be deleted by clicking in the check box of one of the duplicate record(s) and click the Delete button at the top of the list of references. The duplicate references will be deleted.

Using Cite While You Write in Microsoft Word

EndNote allows users to add citations to papers as they are writing them. In order to use Cite While You Write, the EndNote Cite While You Write plug-in must be downloaded and installed.

1. Click on Downloads.

2. Note that several plug-ins can be downloaded, including a Windows and Macintosh Cite While You Write plug-in and a Capture Reference tool that allows users to save references from the Internet to their EndNote Library. Download and install the appropriate plug-ins.

3. Open Microsoft Word. Notice that there is now an EndNote tab on the toolbar.

4. To add a citation to a paper, click on the EndNote Tab. You will be asked to enter your E-Mail Address and password. EndNote offers users the option to use many different styles, including those from many major journals or other sources, such as professional organizations, MLA or Chicago Manual of Style. Click on the pull-down menu next to the word Style. If you do not see the format in the list, click on the arrow in the bottom right corner of the Bibliography area of the EndNote tab. A new window will open that contains considerably longer list of styles than the brief list on the pull-down. Choose the title of the journal or the citation style that is most appropriate and click OK.

EndNote Cite While You Write Tab in Microsoft Word

5. To add a citation to a Word document click on Insert Citations. A window with a search box will open. Enter information about the article of interest in your EndNote library in the search box. When you find the article, highlight it and click Insert. The citation will appear in the text and the complete reference will be added to the paper in a style consistent with the journal or society.

6. The citation style can be changed by choosing another citation style.

Using the Firefox Capture Tool

1. Add the Firefox Capture Tool to Firefox by clicking on the Capture Reference tool on the Downloads page and dragging it to your Bookmarks toolbar. The tool will be installed in your Firefox browser.

2. Once installed, it adds a tool to your Firefox browser. The EndNote capture tool for Firefox contains buttons that connect to your EndNote Library and a Capture button. When the Capture button is clicked, a citation to the website that is being viewed will be formatted for addition to your EndNote Library. Add any information that is pertinent and specify the Group to which the item should be added (if any). Then click the Save to button. The reference will be added to your EndNote Library and the specified Group.