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RPTA 599: Research Methods in Leisure Services: WWW Search Engines

A Few Google Search Tips

Expert Google Search Tips (adapted from HubSpot Blog)

  1. Explicit Phrase:
    Lets say you are looking for content about internet marketing.  Instead of just typing internet marketinginto the Google search box, you will likely be better off searching explicitly for the phrase.  To do this, simply enclose the search phrase within double quotes.
    Example: "Boston unemployment"
  2. Exclude Words:
    Lets say you want to search for content about internet marketing, but you want to exclude any results that contain the term advertising.  To do this, simply use the minus sign in front of the word you want to exclude.
    Example Search: "internet marketing" -advertising
  3. Site Specific Search:
    Often, you want to search a specific website for content that matches a certain phrase.  Even if the site doesn’t support a built-in search feature, you can use Google to search the site for your term. Simply use the "" modifier. Note the "+". Forces Google to search for the word exactly as is.
    Example: +Boston
  4. Similar Words and Synonyms:
    Let’s say you are want to include a word in your search, but want to include results that contain similar words or synonyms.  To do this, use the "~" in front of the word.
    Example: +Boston  ~labor
  5. Specific Document Types:
    If you’re looking to find results that are of a specific type, you can use the modifier "filetype:".  For example, you might want to find only PowerPoint presentations related to internet marketing.
    Example: "Boston history" filetype:ppt
  6. This OR That:
    By default, when you do a search, Google will include all the terms specified in the search.  If you are looking for any one of one or more terms to match, then you can use the OR operator.  (Note:  The OR has to be capitalized).
    Example: Boston Celtics 2005 OR 2006
  7. Allintitle:
    If you start your query with allintitle:, Google restricts results to those containing all the query terms you specify in the title. For example, [ allintitle: detect plagiarism ] will return only documents that contain the words “detect” and “plagiarism” in the title. This functionality can also be obtained through the Advanced Web Search page, under Occurrences.
    Example: allintitle: detect plagiarism

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