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Industry Research: Industry Articles

Journals & Newspapers


For Newspaper & Journal Articles

Sometimes an article in a magazine or newspaper is the best source, especially when you are combining several concepts, such as a product (or sector or industry), a country, and a term such as sales, markets, or advertising. All of the sources below include international sources.

  • ABI/Inform Global
    • business journals and trade publications, includes full text of the Wall Street Journal
    • change the pulldown menu from "citation and abstract" to NAICS code, then type the code in the search box, e.g., 334310
  • Business Source Elite
    • business magazines and journals
    • change the pulldown menu from "select a field" to "NAICS code or description," then type the code in the search box, e.g., 721110
    • OR, change the pulldown menu as above, then type "hotels" in the search box. The records that come up will show that 721110 is the code for hotels.
  • Nexis Uni - U.S. and international newspapers and industry publications

Business News

Business Magazines

business magazine covers