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Library Research Basics: 10. Additional Research

This guide will help you understand the basic process of library research for a typical college paper.


...To give yourself credit

Research is not an easy task. If you've gone carefully through all the steps listed in this guide, you've probably done a great deal of work and learned some things in the process. Pat yourself on the back! This is what learning is all about.

The cyclical process


Quiz time: Remember the graphic on the first page of this guide that outlined the research process? What shape was it? A circle? You are correct! The selection of this shape was not an accident. Research is often called a circular, cyclical, recursive or iterative process. That means you don't move from Step 1 to Step 10 in a straight line. The entire process involves a lot of going back, exploring additional resources and sub-topics and exploring again. If you expect this to be the case and prepare for it, research will be a lot more enjoyable.

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Need help?

For help with your library research, contact a reference librarian at (309) 298-2700 or stop by the reference desk on the 2nd floor of Malpass Library.