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History: Scholarly Articles

Discipline and Department Research Guides identify and define standard information retrieval tools for a specific department or discipline. Each guide was created and is maintained by the library liaison for that department. We encourage you to recommend

Scholarship Defined

Scholarship is the product of scholars. Scholars are students who have devoted much time and energy to a particular subject. In order to be considered a scholar, one must publish his work (make public). In the free market place of ideas, the scholar's work is critically evaluated and measured against the existing literature on the subject. In most cases, scholarship is a secondary source. One major exception to this is the study of historical interpretations or historiography. In that case, the history itself is the primary source.

Google Scholar

The general Google search will not help you find many scholarly articles, but Google Scholar might. Check it out at

Journal Indexes

America: History and Life
Covers North American history from ancient times to the present. Click on the Online Databases link on the library’s homepage. Note that the presence of a full-text link does not mean that WIU has the full-text version. Coverage c1955.
Arts and Humanities Search
Indexes the world’s leading arts and humanities journals. Coverage back to 1980. Contains 1300 journal titiles.
Historical Abstracts
Indexes world hisotry from approximatey 1450 to the present, excluding North America. International scope. Limit by language. Primarily an index/abstract of scholarly journal articles, but also includes book collections and dissertations. Does not include book reviews. Coverage c1960.
Humanities International Index
Indexes articles, books, and reference sources in the diverse subject areas of the humanities. Approx. 2,000 journal titles indexed cover-to-cover.

Schlarly Article Repositories

Project MUSE
Provides full-text to over 100 scholarly journals. Use it to update J-STOR titles. Limit your search to those journals subscribed to by your institution.
JSTOR offers researchers the ability to retrieve high-resolution, scanned images of journal issues and pages as they were originally designed, printed, and illustrated. The journals archived in JSTOR span many disciplines. Over the summer the University Libraries acquired more J-STOR collections. For information on the University Libraries J-STOR collections visit J- STOR collections at your institution.

Subject Guide

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Dr. Michael Lorenzen
Leslie F. Malpass Library 638
1 University Circle
Macomb, IL 61455-1390
309-298-1939 (Office), 309-298-2717 (Archives)