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History: YouTube History Videos

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This is a list of history video resources on YouTube that may be appropriate for the college level. These are non-WIU resources and there appropriateness may change.

Ancient History

American History

History on YouTube for Educators

In recent years, YouTube has become a popular platform for learning and education. History is a subject that is particularly well-suited to the format of YouTube, as it allows for engaging visuals and multimedia content that can bring the past to life. However, not all history channels on YouTube are created equal. From an educator's perspective, what makes for a good YouTube channel dealing with history?

First and foremost, a good history channel on YouTube should be accurate and reliable. The information presented should be based on sound research and scholarship, and any claims made should be supported by evidence. The channel should also be transparent about its sources and methods, so viewers can evaluate the credibility of the information presented. This is especially important for a subject like history, where there can be different interpretations and debates around events and people.

In addition to accuracy, a good history channel on YouTube should also be engaging and entertaining. It's not enough to simply present information in a dry and boring way – the channel should use storytelling techniques and visual aids to make the past come alive. This can include things like reenactments, animations, and primary source materials such as photographs and letters. The channel should also be accessible to a wide audience, with clear and engaging language that can be understood by both experts and non-experts.

A good history channel on YouTube should also be thoughtful and reflective. The channel should not only present information about the past, but also encourage viewers to think critically about the significance and relevance of historical events and figures. This could include discussions about how the past has shaped our present, or reflections on the ethical and moral dimensions of historical events. The channel should also be open to different perspectives and interpretations, and not shy away from difficult or controversial topics.

Finally, a good history channel on YouTube should be committed to education and learning. The channel should be designed to help viewers deepen their understanding of history, rather than simply entertaining or distracting them. This could include providing additional resources for viewers to explore, such as recommended reading lists or links to online archives. The channel could also incorporate interactive features, such as quizzes or polls, to encourage viewers to engage more deeply with the material.

In conclusion, a good YouTube channel dealing with history from an educator's perspective should be accurate, engaging, thoughtful, and committed to education and learning. By meeting these criteria, a history channel on YouTube can not only help viewers learn about the past, but also deepen their understanding of the world around them.

Here are some examples of popular and well-reviewed history channels.

  • History Buffs: A show dedicated solely to reviewing historical movies and how accurate they are.
  • History Explained: A channel that explores the lives of major historical figures in chronological order, using animations and narration.
  • It’s History: A channel that covers various topics such as ancient civilizations, inventions, wars, and culture, with a focus on how history shapes our present.
  • The Alternate Historian: A channel that imagines how history would be different if certain events had gone differently, such as if Napoleon had won at Waterloo or if FDR had died in 1939.
  • HISTORY: The official channel of the HISTORY network, where you can watch clips and full episodes of many history shows and documentaries.

Medieval History

Weirder History