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RPTA 466g Resort Management: Research Defined

Scholarship Defined

Scholarship is the product of scholars. Scholars are students who have devoted much time and energy to a particular subject. In order to be considered a scholar, one must publish his work (make public). In the free market place of ideas, the scholar's work is critically evaluated and measured against the existing literature on the subject. In most cases, scholarship is a secondary source. One major exception to this is the study of historical interpretations or historiography. In that case, the history itself is the primary source.

Elements of Genuine Research

  • False research assumes that the task is merely to gather data and synthesize it. Thus the typical student “research” project involves amassing data, reading and absorbing it, then regurgitating it back onto a fresh piece of paper. (p. 17, Badke, Research Strategies)
  • Genuine research injects an analytical question. All genuine research starts with a question which then can be turned into a thesis statement.
  • As you read the articles that you find through the research process, keep in mind that you are developing a working knowledge of the topic. Your research should be directed by the literature and the conversation that has already begun between scholars.
  • A common error among graduate students is to create research questions out of thin air, not grounding them in the literature. If you spend time at the beginning reading for working knowledge, you will find that the questions appear, and that they are rooted in real questions that are being researched by scholars.

Core Journals in RPTA

As you build your bibliography, pay attention to the titles that you see frequently. To stay current in your career, you will want to read one or two professional journals. Now is the time to identify them and to see which ones will serve you best.

Subject Guide