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Using Information Effectively: What is the best research question? Answer

Topics to Questions Key

From Topics to Questions

Assignment Description

Deciding on a good, workable question is the key to productive research. Today, you will practice choosing between good research questions and not-so-good ones. For each topic below, choose which  research question you think is best. Be prepared to justify your answers during class discussion.


  1. American children and the consumption of junk food
    1. What are the causes of increased junk food consumption by children in the U.S.?
    2. Does junk food in schools cause childhood obesity?
    3. Did New Jersey’s ban on junk food in schools lead to healthier children in that state?
    4. How much junk food do American children consume compared to those in the rest of the world?


  1. The Millennial Generation (aka Generation Y, Net Generation, Digital Natives)
    1. Has the recent economic recession caused Millennials to be less trustful of government institutions?
    2. How does the Millennial Generation differ from those generations that came before?
    3. Are Millennial Generation members overconfident and self-obsessed?
    4. Do Millennials adapt more easily to new technologies than older generations?


  1. The Arab-Israeli Conflict
    1. What are the causes of the Arab-Israeli conflict?
    2. Is there adequate international support for a Palestinian state?
    3. Which party is more to blame for the Arab-Israeli conflict, Palestinians or Israelis?
    4. Does Israel’s Settlement Policy violate Palestinian human rights?


  1. The future of television
    1. Will cable TV be obsolete in 10 years?
    2. What is the history of cable TV in the United States?
    3. What are some alternative models to subscription TV packages?
    4. What are strengths and weaknesses of streaming TV content, such as Netflix and Hulu?


  1. Head injuries in football
    1. At what point in time did the NFL know of the link between multiple concussions and brain damage?
    2. What are the most effective treatments for sports-related concussions?
    3. What can football players do to prevent head injuries and later brain damage?
    4. Should there be any restrictions on minors playing football?


  1. The cost of higher education
    1. Why are higher education costs so high?
    2. Is college still a good investment?
    3. Should student loans be discharged in the case of bankruptcy?
    4. What can students do to make college more affordable?


  1. Teenage alcoholism
    1. Why do teens drink?
    2. What are the causes of underage drinking?
    3. What are the effects of teenage alcoholism?
    4. Of the most common school-based models used to address Teenage Alcoholism, which shows the most promise?


  1. Climate Change
    1. What can be one about global warming?
    2. Will the polar bear become extinct?
    3. Is it ultimately good for the economy in times of economic downturn to devote less money to addressing climate change?
    4. Will the Copenhagen Accord slow global warming?


  1. World War I
    1. What were the causes of WWI?
    2. Were the Germans solely responsible for starting the Great War?
    3. How did the Dardanelles campaign impact British policy towards the Arabs?
    4. What was Adolf Hitler’s role in World War I and how did his experiences help bring about World War II?


  1. The Historical Jesus
    1. To what extent can we say that the speculation about Jesus in the book/movie The Da Vinci Code actually has scholarly merit?
    2. How much of the New Testament is supported by the historical record?
    3. Is there any archaeological evidence to support miracles attributed to Jesus?
    4. What role did “Q” play in writing the synoptic Gospels?