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SOC 323: Social Research Methods I: Accessing SocAbs

Sociological Research Methods I

Will the Real SocAbs Please Stand Up?

ACCESSING: The ProQuest company offers both the true Sociological Abstracts database as well as another with the exact same name that is really a combination of Soc Abs with Social Services Abstracts (social work publications). Your best options are to access the real Soc Abs are:

WHILE SEARCHING: It is possible to accidentally link over to the larger database without knowing it. If you are already searching in Sociological Abstracts and you are seeing a lot of social work resources, click on the Databases or Change Databases link at the top of the page to check which version you are in. Within the ProQuest list, you can click on the plus next to the database title and it will show you the two sub-databases (see below). De-select Social Services.