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ANTH 215 (Fantastic Archaeology: Ancient Astronauts, Shape Shifters and Bigfoot!): Bermuda Triangle

This guide is for students in the ANTH 215 course. It has general research tips and sources for topics such as archaeology, Atlantis, Cardiff Giant, mound builders, etc.


Information related to the Bermuda Triangle for the ANTH 215 course.


Magical Thinking and the Bermuda Triangle: The Allure of the Unexplained

Magical thinking is a psychological phenomenon wherein individuals attribute supernatural or irrational causes to natural events. This type of thinking often arises when people are faced with inexplicable or mysterious occurrences, leading to the creation of myths and legends that captivate the imagination. One such enigmatic location that has captured the attention of many is the Bermuda Triangle, an area in the Atlantic Ocean that has been at the center of numerous unexplained disappearances and strange phenomena. This essay will explore the role of magical thinking in the enduring mystique of the Bermuda Triangle, delving into why it continues to fascinate despite extensive debunking by science.

The Bermuda Triangle: A Mysterious Area

The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle, is a loosely defined region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean, bound by imaginary lines connecting Miami, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico. This area has been shrouded in mystery since the 20th century, with numerous ships and aircraft reported missing under puzzling circumstances. These unexplained incidents have led to various theories, ranging from supernatural phenomena to extraterrestrial activity, fueling the belief that the Bermuda Triangle is a dangerous and mysterious place.

Magical Thinking: The Human Need for Explanation

One of the main reasons the Bermuda Triangle has become a subject of such intrigue is the human tendency towards magical thinking. Faced with unexplained events, individuals often seek solace in supernatural explanations as a way to make sense of the unknown. This form of thinking is deeply rooted in human cognition and has played a significant role in the development of myths, folklore, and superstitions throughout history. One example is claiming aliens are responsible. Another claim is that the lost civilization of Atlantis is involved. Yet another argument believes time travel is involved. 

The psychological concept of cognitive bias further increases the allure of the Bermuda Triangle. When confronted with information that supports a pre-existing belief or narrative, people are more likely to accept it as true, while dismissing any contradictory evidence. This confirmation bias has contributed to the perpetuation of the Bermuda Triangle's enigmatic reputation, as individuals latch onto the most sensational stories and overlook the countless safe passages through the area.

Debunking the Bermuda Triangle Myth

Despite the enduring popularity of the Bermuda Triangle myth, scientific research and rational explanations have debunked many of the supposed mysteries. For instance, studies have shown that the rate of disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle is not significantly higher than in other areas of the ocean. Additionally, researchers have attributed many of the missing vessels and aircraft to human error, mechanical failure, or natural disasters, such as hurricanes and rogue waves.

Moreover, scientists have debunked popular theories about the Bermuda Triangle, such as magnetic anomalies or underwater methane gas explosions. Investigations have revealed that any magnetic variations in the area are minimal and would not be responsible for navigational problems or disappearances. Similarly, the idea of methane gas explosions lacks evidence and is inconsistent with the characteristics of the ocean floor in the Bermuda Triangle.


The Bermuda Triangle remains a fascinating subject, largely due to the human propensity for magical thinking and the need to find explanations for the unexplained. While the scientific community has largely debunked the mysteries surrounding this area, the allure of the unknown continues to captivate the public imagination. It is important to recognize the role of magical thinking in perpetuating such myths and approach unexplained phenomena with critical thinking and an open mind. This will not only lead to a more rational understanding of the world but also allow us to appreciate the true wonder of the natural and scientific phenomena that surround us.
