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Costume Design: Finding Books on Costume

Brief guide to using resources, both in the library and online, for image-based research into costume design.

Keywords and Subject Headings

You can search for books in many different ways, including searching by keyword and searching by subject heading.

Searching by keyword is a very broad way to search and is usually the best way to start if you don't know exactly what you're looking for. Most catalogs will let you search for multiple keywords via advanced search.

Searching by subject heading is more focused. Subject headings are labels applied to books and other objects to show what they're about. Using subject headings will give you more relevant searches, so it's a good technique to try if you get too many results with keywords, or if your results seem off-topic. In order to subject search you need to select Browse and then select Subject (LC) from the drop down menu.  Some subject headings relevant to costume design might be:

Costume -- History

Clothing and Dress -- History

Fashion -- Japan

Clothing and Dress -- United States -- History

You can also find books specifically about costume design by searching for the subject heading "Costume Design."

Catalogs to Find Books


WestCat is the WIU Libraries' online catalog. Use it to locate books, DVDs, and government publications owned by the WIU Libraries. This includes the Malpass Library, Curriculum Library, Music Library, and the Quad Cities Library. 


I-Share is a shared catalog and interlibrary loan system for 90+ libraries in Illinois. I-Share allows you to request books from these libraries and pick them up at WIU Libraries.


WorldCat is a global catalog that lets you search for books and other materials from libraries all over the world. If you request a book or item you find in WorldCat, you'll be redirected to the ILLiad system. If you get an error message when trying to login to ILLiad, use this form instead.

Interlibrary loan

There are many different books on many different types of historical costume. Unfortunately, we do not have all of them here at WIU. Never fear, though! Books found in I-Share or WorldCat can be borrowed through WIU's interlibrary loan system. Ask a librarian if you need a hand.