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The launch page for library tutorials.

Library Orientation

Learn about resources, people, and support available from the Western Illinois University Libraries and the particular focus of academic libraries. Here is a short video introduction!

Knowing the library hours, when the library is open, and where times may be different is good.

You should also learn about borrowing books from other places using the Inter-library loan (ILL) services IShare and ILIAD services.
If you borrow a book from another library you might be able to renew it and use it longer!

If you are a Distance Education Student, check this page for services just for you!

Finding and Using Information

Finding and Using Information

Understand how to find and access relevant information.

You will need to find books. Here is how to find print books in the library.

The library also has a number of eBooks that are available.

You will also need to find research journal articles.

Watch some tips on how to do that below!

Types of Information Resources

Become familiar with information resources, their purpose, and the value of those resources in the research process.

You can search across all our databases from the library catalog!

Citing Your Sources

You need to show you know where the information came from, so others know you have done your research and are giving credit to other authors whose work you use.

Get Help from the Library

There are a number of ways to contact a librarian. Here's how!