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Using Endnote: Adding References (Web of Science)

A guide to using EndNote online, a cloud-based program that can be used to organize references and create citations.

Adding Data from Science Citation Index and Biological Abstracts

1. Link to Science Citation Index from the WIU Libraries database list or a Library Guide. Click on the words Sign In  and then Sign In on the pull-down menu that appears in the upper  right corner of the page.

2. Choose the database to search (Like Web of Science Core Collection or Biological Abstracts or MEDLINE) next to the words Select a Database.

3. Search for information on a topic. Mark the items to be added to your EndNote Library.

4. After marking the records of interest, add them to the Marked List by clicking on the Add to Marked List button at the top or bottom of the search results. After marking all pertinent records and adding them to the Marked List, click on the words Marked List in the upper right hand part of the header. Review the items on the marked list. Then select the fields to be included in the records that will be downloaded to your EndNote Library.

5. Click on EXPORT>EndNote online. The system will download the selected items into your EndNote Library.