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Using Endnote: Organizing References

A guide to using EndNote online, a cloud-based program that can be used to organize references and create citations.

Organizing References

Unless the user develops groups for their references and specifies a group for a set of references when they are added, EndNote puts all references into a generic, Unfiled, category. At some point, every researcher reaches the point of having too many references in a single file. This can be remedied by creating groups for your references, a process that is similar to putting documents in folders on a computer or in a file folder in a file cabinet.

1. Click on Organize and choose Manage My Groups. Initially, the system will show that no groups have been created. Click on the New Group button.

2. A box will open stating Enter a New Group Name and click “OK.” Enter the name of the group to be created and click OK.

3. Once the group(s) have been created, select My References. Note that the groups that were created are now listed under My Groups. To move references into a group, click in the check box next to a reference to identify the references to be moved into a group. Use the pull-down menu containing the words Add to group . . . to specify the group in which the references should be placed. The system will move the references to the selected Group.

It is still possible to see all references in your EndNote Library by clicking on All My References in the My References window of the EndNote website.

Note: To hide the Getting Started Guide and view all of your references, click on All My References. If the Getting Started Guide is not replaced with the list of references, click on Hide Getting Started Guide in the upper right hand corner of the Getting Started Guide.